ANPT Education Center FAQ
How do I make an account?
If you are a member of the Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy, you can make an account using the "Create Account" button on the home page. Then, email education@neuropt.org with your full name and APTA account number to receive full membership benefits and member pricing.
Non-members who had an account will need to reset their password using the Forgot My Password button. Non-members who didn't have an account will need to create an account (or join APTA Neurology at www.neuropt.org/join!)
New passwords need to be 8 characters long.
Why are member prices not appearing at checkout?
Make sure you are logged in using your APTA Neurology account information to receive the member price. If you are not seeing member pricing email education@neuropt.org
If you would like to learn more about our Member Benefits, please visit our Membership page or join APTA Neurology from your main APTA account.
How do I log in to the ANPT Education Center?
If you are a member of the Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy, you can log in to the ANPT Education Center using the email that you have registered as a member of APTA in the email line and your APTA member number in the password line. Non-members who had an account will need to reset their password using the Forgot My Password button. Non-members who didn't have an account will need to create an account (or join APTA Neurology at www.neuropt.org/join!) New passwords need to be 8 characters long.
What do I do if I experience a problem with the ANPT Education Center?
If you are on a PC or Android tablet or laptop, check to be sure you are using Chrome, Edge, or Firefox. If you are on a Mac, check to be sure that you are using Safari.
Try clicking the “Refresh" button in your web browser (it looks like a circle with arrows).
Clear the cache in your web browser, then close your web browser completely. Open your web browser again and try logging into the event/archive again.
If those steps don’t help email education@neuropt.org
How do I obtain my certificate and/or transcript for a course?
If you register for a program that offers continuing education unit (CEU) hours, you must pass the quiz with 70% to unlock your certificate. Once you have passed your quizzes and completed the course, you may view and download your certificate at any time by accessing the product title under “Dashboard.” Click the Transcript button if you want a complete summary of your credits.
How can I be a course presenter?
To submit a course proposal, go to the Educational Course Proposal page on the ANPT website and submit the form.
Have more questions about educational programs in general or anything else about ANPT?
You can reach us at education@neuropt.org
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The Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy are the leaders in providing neurologic physical therapy education. Explore more resources at www.neuropt.org