IV STEP: Prevention from a IV STEP Perspective
- Non-member - $20
- PT Member - $20
This module stems from the topic off Prevention “P” from the IV STEP conference. Topics to be covered included: different types of prevention, physical therapy professional roles in prevention, and review of barriers and facilitators to prevention applied to neurologic clinical cases in children and adults.
Learning Objectives:
• Differentiate primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention
• Examine the role of physical therapists in prevention
• Evaluate factors impacting health prevention in children and adults with neurologic conditions
• Analyze barriers and facilitators to prevention
• Apply prevention content in this module to clinical cases
Course Launched 2018
Kirsten Potter
Kirsten Potter, PT, DPT, MS is a Professor at Rockhurst University in Kansas City, MO. Her teaching and research expertise is in adult neurologic rehabilitation. Kirsten serves as a consultant for the development of online courses for the Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy and has developed a courses for the Synapse Education Center on selecting outcome measures for a client with multiple sclerosis and IV STEP – Prevention. She was an instructor in a CSM pre-conference summit on online education and was Co-Chair of the IV STEP dissemination team, responsible for developing and implementing educational programs related to IV STEP content.

Kristen Johnson
Kristen Johnson, PT, EdD, MS, NCS is an Associate Professor at the University of St. Augustine for Health Science in San Marcos, California where she teaches clinical neuroscience and in the neuromuscular course series in the entry-level physical and occupational therapy curricula. Her clinical career has focused on management of adults post stroke, traumatic brain injury, and vestibular dysfunction. Her research interests involve knowledge translation of inter-professional pain curricula within entry-level education and with the application of outcomes measures in clinical practice. She currently serves as the co-chair for online education for the Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy.